Choosing the right school for your child is a very important decision. These are the steps that we recommend you take:
In circumstances when a school may not be able to accept all applications due to existing or future capacity concerns, schools must manage enrolment applications in accordance with the following priority order of placement:
- Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school
- Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time
- Where the Regional Director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school
- Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds
- All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school.
The Wandin North Primary School zone is available on hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2021 onwards.
Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
The Department provides guidance through the School Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations.
You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.
For more information
If you have a question about school zones call the VSBA Hotline on 1800 896 950 or email:

Step 1: Take Our Online Video Tour
The ideal starting place to learn more about us. We have a library of videos where you can:
- Meet our principal
- Hear from our dedicated & talented teachers
- Get to know some of our students
- Gain some insights from our current parents
- Learn about our curriculum opportunities
- Tips for a smooth start to school for your child
… and so much more!

Step 2: Book a School Tour
A private school tour with our principal is a great opportunity to see our school in action. We will take the time to have a comprehensive discussion about your child’s individual educational needs and we can also answer any specific questions you may have. Interested parents are encouraged to book a private school tour with our Principal online (below) – or call us to arrange a suitable time.

Step 3: Fill Out An Enrolment Form
This year our school is using an online system for new enrolments to Victorian government schools called VicStudents.
VicStudents is available for students who are enrolling in a Victorian Government School for the first time. This includes Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2025.
To commence online enrolment:
Step 1: Visit to create an account
Step 2: Complete student details
Step 3: Complete address details
Step 4: Complete school details and select Wandin North Primary School as your first preference.
Online applications are to be completed by Friday 26th July.

Step 4: Prep Transition Program
An important feature of our school is the well established and successful Prep Transition Program that we run. One of our priorities is that all children new to the school feel happy and secure as quickly as possible. Having your child attend our Prep Transition program is a great way to ensure they get off on the right foot.

Step 5: Start Your Learning Journey With Us
We are here to make learning engaging, challenging but most of all – fun!
We want school to be a happy place where excitement & adventure is the norm, imaginations are encouraged to run wild, friendships are developed and good character is built.
This is what makes our school great and we can’t wait for you to join us on the journey!
Isn’t it time we got to know each other?
Take our online VIDEO TOUR or book a SCHOOL TOUR!
Meet our principal, teachers, current students, parents, learn about our curriculum opportunities and tips for a smooth start to school.