You’re a Hoot – Fantastic Kids Activity
Hoot is an incredible little creature. He lives in a hollow of a big old oak tree and at night hoots at the moon as it rises up over the trees.
Hoot is everyone’s friend. And would like to be yours too.
It's Your Turn - build your own Hoot.
Cut and paste activity that is fun and creative. Follow the instructions included.
Owls are Amazing
Owls other unique adaptations include the ability to fly directly vertical from standing, and they can swivel their heads 270°. Owls are fearless and will protect their nest from any predator, even from wolves. Their loyalty, fearlessness, sensitivity and beauty set owls apart from their avian friends.

Digital Schools
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PLEASE NOTE: The views, opinions and content published by us are that of the "Guest Contributor" and/or publisher (Digital Schools). It should be noted that whilst the publisher and guest contributors are acting with the best intentions and in the best interests of the school and their community, sometimes the content may not necessarily reflect the views of the school. We welcome your feedback. Down the bottom of this page is a feedback form so you can let us know what you think.